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History of the CAF Marshalling Detachment

The Commemorative Air Force Marshalling Detachment was originally started in 1981 by 16 members who saw the need for a specialized unit to help insure ramp safety. They started out parking aircraft, organizing the ramp and provide safety to the crowds. Colonel Mike Clark was the units first Detachment leader. 


The Marshalling Detachments priority and goal is, to help make events safer for the aircrews, spectators, and all volunteers helping with shows and/or events we participate in. Most people go to these events to see aircraft and the spectacle of flight and possibly join the aviation community. The Marshalling Detachment is there to make sure all ground operations run smoothly and safely. Helping to make sure all aircraft avoid accidents on the ground. Spectators stay safe distances away from any running aircraft, fueling of aircraft, or aircraft under tow. We want the spectators to have the best experience possible at these events, but our priority is safety first.


The Marshalling Detachment helps with airshows, fly-in's, rides days and NATA formation clinics all across the country. Helping with events and shows like Wings over Houston, Wings over Dallas, Barksdale AFB, Tyndall AFB, Holloman AFB, Tora Tora Tora Practice, Breckenridge airshow (home to Ezell Aviation), and many more as our show list continues to grow year by year.  We have members based in Texas, California, Virginia and many other states in between. Allowing us to reach and cover a vast area across the country for events in need with help on the ground.


Over the past few years the number of events the Marshalling detachment has began to grow at a steady rate. In 2019 we helped with 19 events, most of which were located in Texas. in 2020 most of the events we planned to help with were cancelled due to Covid. In 2021 we helped with 15 events in Texas. In 2022 the Marshalling Detachment helped with 22 events most of which were in Texas but we began doing events in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, and California. In 2023 the Marshalling Detachment helped with 31 events across those same states. As of right now the Marshalling Detachment could be helping with up to 39 events. Adding locations in the states on Virginia, Arizona, Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Kansas to our roster of events that we have helped make possible. If you would like to find out more information on possible events we will be attending, please check out our Events page.

Marshalling Detachment Officers

The Marshalling Detachment has 4 elected positions, Detachment Leader, Operations Officer, Finance Officer, and Training Officer. Working together these 4 members help organize between the shows that contract us, and our members who are available to help with those events.


  • For more information on the Detachment you can contact any of these members.

  • If you would like to have the Marshalling detachment help with your event please contact our Operations Officer

  • If you would like more information on what it takes to be a CAF Marshaller at events please contact our Training Officer

  • If you need to pay your Detachment Dues or fill out yearly paper work please contact our Finance Officer


Other appointed positions of the Marshalling Detachment include:

Safety Officer- Col Richie Gray, PIO- Col. Tom McDermott

© 2024 by Commemorative Air Force Marshalling Detachment

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